Health Benefits of Cucumbers |
Health Benefits of Cucumbers, Cucumber, or in Latin called cucumis sativus, often seen on our dining table as dishes, salad, or pickled. Cucumber at first came from India, but now this vegetable grown on most continents. According to FAO, right now the massive producer of cucumber is China, with at least 60% of global output.
Next to tomatoes, cabbage, and onions, cucumbers are the fourth most widely cultivated vegetable in the world. Many different varieties are traded on the global market.
Actually cucumber has many benefits to our health. Here some of them:
Skin treatment
Cucumber has diuretic properties, cooling effect, and cleaners that are beneficial to the skin. It also contains high water with vitamin A, B, and C, as well as minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica. This condition make cucumbers are an important part of skin care. We can tighten our skin face by using cucumber extract as Face masker. Cucumber also has Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid which can lower the water retention level, then reduces the swelling around the eyes.
Digestion function
Eating fresh cucumber juice every day can cure some digestive problems such as ulcers, gastritis acidity, and even ulcers. The content of fiber in cucumbers can expel toxins from the digestive system which can increase digestive process. In fact, eating cucumbers every day is considered very effective as remedy of constipation.
The health of bone and blood pressure
Cucumber contains silica which can make your bones functionate better by strengthening connective tissues. The potassium and magnesium in cucumber can also help our blood pressure remains normal.
Eliminate tapeworm
Cucumber seeds are considered as a natural medicine to expel tapeworms in the intestinal tract. The cucumber seeds also useful as anti-inflammatory and effective in the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes (nose) and throat.
Can Cure Rheumatic
Cucumber juice contains many beneficial mineral such as vitamin A, B1, B6, C, D, folate, magnesium, and calcium. The Cucumber juice when mixed with carrot juice may help to reduce pain in joint bones by lowering uric acid.
Can Cure Toothache and Sore Gums
The disease in tooth and gums, especially pyorrhea, can be treated effectively with cucumber juice. Consumption of raw cucumber can also increase saliva and neutralize the acids and bases in the oral cavity.
Cucumber juice can also help patients with diabetes problems. Cucumber contains manangese mineral which useful to synthesize natural insulin in the body.
Treatment to kidney problem
Cucumber is beneficial to relieve bladder and kidneys problem. The water in cucumber can help the kidney function by smoothing the urination process. Cucumber is also known as the best natural diuretic.
Enrich and fertilize the hair
Cucumber contains silica which is also found in the body. Silica helps the growth of hair so if you often eat foods containing silica, you will have good hair and healthy bones. Cucumber juice mixed with carrot, spinach, and lettuce will be very helpful for hair enrichment.